This pain is Dentist's nightmare
Why are dentists at such greater risk to suffer a back injury and pain?
From day one, when dentists sit in clinical or even preclinical classes at dental school, someone starts recommending:
“Sit up straight, or you’re going to hurt your back!”
Always to solve our dental problems, dentists bend, twist, and sometimes even appear to be standing on their heads. According to the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 70 percent of dentists suffer from back pain.
Our back is a system of vertebrae, joints, ligaments, and muscles. At any point, we may sustain an injury by tearing a ligament, tearing or straining a muscle, or worse, bulging or rupturing a disc.
When you have back pain
In some cases, you will not be able to walk, put your socks on, lie down, sit, nor stand. All those things could cause horrible pain. Poor posture is a huge factor in this profession, and everyone needs to be very mindful of it.
Going to the Chiropractor can help you to heal this kind of problems and more. Chiropractic methods can extend your career and avoid the surgeon’s scalpel, as we work with non-surgical techniques. Take care of your spine.
If you are experimenting with something like this, you can call us with confidence, as we have the best solutions for you.